Ian Dixon
The studio at 311 Stock Rd in O’Connor is a hive of activity under the direction of Ian Dixon.
Multiple workbenches give plenty of room for custom stained glass and restorations.
Stained Glass is steeped in tradition and is still crafted in age old methods dating back to medieval times. At Perth Art Glass we retain the traditional techniques while keeping up to date with modern tools and Australian Standards.

Perth Art glass boasts the largest kiln in Western Australia. It is an important piece of equipment as it allows us to create large scale slumped glass screens, room dividers, curved glass and fused glass artworks.
A number of other kilns are regularly in use for smaller fused glass projects and for producing componentry to be included in larger works.
Our glass range is also the largest in Western Australia. With glass imported from the United States, Europe and Asia you will be sure to find something to suit your style and budget.
We welcome our clients to visit the studio when convenient to find the glass for you.